Sunday, November 20, 3:00 p.m.
Lauren Bender, Barbara Cole, and Kristen Gallagher
@ in your ear @ DCAC

The Fall 2005 DCPoetry season promises another exciting event this Sunday, November 20 at 3pm at the DC Arts Center, when the in your ear reading series presents a rising star from the Baltimore scene along with two terrific poets from the Buffalo/Philly diaspora: Lauren Bender, Barbara Cole and Kristen Gallagher.

LAUREN BENDER lives, works, and makes generally messy things in Baltimore City. She continues her ongoing cut-up Dictionary Poems project, and has had two chapbooks of these published: The Dictionary Poems through Furniture Press, and Some Bees through New Lights Press. Other poems have appeared in various editions of The Mobtown Writers' Collective chapbooks. Performances have occurred with/at TMWC, The Shattered Wig Nite, and The Performance Thanatological Research Society.

BARBARA COLE's chapbooks include *little wives* (Potes & Poets, 1998) and *postcards* (BeautifulSwimmer Press, 1998). In 2002, Handwritten Press published the first chapbook-length section of her ongoing project, *situ ation come dies*. In Spring 2004, /ubu editions published the second installment, from *foxy moron*. Having recently completed her dissertation, "No There There: Gertrude Stein's Poetics of Negation," in the Buffalo Poetics Program, she is currently open to any and all suggestions for future employment.

KRISTEN GALLAGHER is a publisher of fine chapbooks under the handwritten press imprint, which Ron Silliman has called "one of the very best 'art printers' in the US." She has published chapbooks by Barbara Cole, Alicia Cohen, Dan Featherston, Aaron Levy, Shawn Walker and Michael Magee. She is the editor of The Form of Our Uncertainty: A Tribute to Gil Ott and co-conducted an often cited interview with Harryette Mullen. Her work has appeared in Combo, Chain, Quid, Kenning, Antennae, and Ecopoetics among others. She currently lives in Brooklyn.


2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan
(south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street)
All readings are on third Sundays at 3 PM, Admission $5, FREE for DCAC members