Sunday, February 17, 3:00 p.m.
Daniel Bouchard, Mike County and Mel Nichols
@ in your ear @ DCAC
Please join us on Sunday, February 17 at 3 p.m. at the DC Arts Center (2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan, just south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street) for a reading by DANIEL BOUCHARD, MICHAEL COUNTY and MEL NICHOLS.

Daniel Bouchard was last in DC to raise hell and make obscene gestures during the Bush anti-inauguration. He danced in 14th Street and Pennsylvania wearing an army field jacket with "End the Sanctions Against Iraq" painted in white on his back. He lives in Cambridge, Mass., a city  filled with liberals and right-wingers, all of whom adore the rights of property. He designs and typesets for Pressed Wafer, makes a living at the MIT Press, and has a book available from Subpress called "Diminutive Revolutions." He is very mild-mannered.

Michael County's first book of poems, Three Deckers, was published by Boston's Pressed Wafer. His poems have appeared in numerous journals, including DAD magazine, of which he also the editor. A native of the Boston area, he has spent most of his years involved in the local music scene and began writing poems for the money and support music could not provide.

Mel Nichols is a poet and digital artist whose collaborative projects include poetry installations and web-based hypermedia works, including the ongoing hypermedia poem/memoir, WEEPERS, with poet Lee Riley Hammer and choreographer Renee Brozic, and THE SILENT TONGUE, with Chicago photographer and filmmaker Doug Clevenger. Her poems have appeared in FRISK, GARGOYLE, SO TO SPEAK, IXNAY, TANGENT and FORKLIFT: OHIO.  She is one of the creators and editors of the online journal of hypermedia literature, art, and scholarship, ://englishmatters. She teaches at George Mason University.


2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan
(south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street)
All readings are on third Sundays at 3 PM, Admission $5, FREE for DCAC members