Sunday, February 17, 3:00 p.m.
Dora Malech, Allison Titus & Anne-Adele Wight
@ DC Arts Center

$5 at the Door // Free to DCAC Members // Hang out at Songbyrd afterward

Dora Malech is the author of Stet, selected by Susan Stewart for the Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets and published by Princeton University Press in 2018. Her two previous books of poetry are Say So (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2011) and Shore Ordered Ocean (The Waywiser Press, 2009). Her poems have appeared in publications that include The New Yorker, Poetry, The Best American Poetry, Poetry London, The Kenyon Review, Lana Turner, and Tin House. Her visual art has appeared or is forthcoming in publications that include Poetry, Poetry Northwest, and Pinwheel. She is the recipient of awards that include an Amy Clampitt Residency Award from the Amy Clampitt Foundation, a Writers' Fellowship from the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, a Ruth Lilly Poetry Award from the Poetry Foundation, and a Mary Sawyers Baker Award from the William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund. She lives in Baltimore, Maryland, where she is an assistant professor in The Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University.

Allison Titus is the author most recently of SOB STORY (Barrelhouse) and The True Book of Animal Homes (Saturnalia Books). She embroiders erasures from discarded library books and with the poet Ashley Capps is at work on The New Sent(i)ence project. She teaches in the low-res MFA program at New England College.

Anne-Adele Wight is the author of An Internet of Containment, just released by Blazevox. She has three other books: The Age of Greenhouses, Opera House Arterial, and Sidestep Catapult, all from BlazeVOX. Anne-Adele lives and writes in Philadelphia. She has read extensively there and in other cities and her work has been published internationally.


2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan
(south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street)
All readings are on third Sundays at 3 PM, Admission $5, FREE for DCAC members